Grow, Nurture, Succeed 
Grow, Nuture, Succeed 
We are delighted to announce that Kane Williams has started working for the accountancy firm full time after gaining his degree in Accountancy with first-class honours. 
Kane, aged 22 from Ammanford, has been working in Ashmole & Co’s Ammanford office throughout his studies. He did two weeks work experience with Ashmole & Co in 2014 and enjoyed working for the firm so much that he joined, part time, in November 2017, whilst in his second year at Swansea University. Kane continued to work two days a week for the firm whilst studying up until qualifying last week. 
Laura Craddock, Partner in Ashmole & Co’s Ammanford office said, “We are all so proud of Kane and his fantastic achievement. He has become an integral part of our team in the Ammanford office, even offering advice to other staff studying for their ACCA accreditation. It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch him going from strength to strength during his time with us. It is important as a profession that we help to train the next generation of accountants. Qualified staff members are the lifeblood for the future success of our firm.” 
When Kane was part time his day-to-day role with Ashmole & Co included preparing and submitting VAT returns and assisting his colleagues. During his studies he also found time to tutor other students in maths, business studies and accounting in his spare time. Now that Kane is full time, he has more responsibility in preparing clients’ accounts reports. 
Kane said, “I am grateful to Ashmole and Co to have given me the opportunity to work whilst studying for my degree. I am so pleased I succeeded in achieving a first-class honours degree. I am enjoying all aspects of my work but completing a client’s job and hearing good feedback from clients and staff is the best part for me. I’m looking forward to the future with the team in Ammanford.” 
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